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Om Fiabci
Skrevet av Fiabci   
Thursday 13. January 2005
In its 52 years of existence FIABCI the International Real Estate Federation, has built an enviable reputation as the authentic voice of international real estate. Multi-disciplinary and truly international it has no political axe to grind and represents the interests of no one country. Because of this and its concern with generating business opportunities for its worldwide membership, its opinions are sought by international bodies like the UN and regional bodies like the EU, NAFTA and MERCOSUR.

FIABCI Statutes

FIABCI & the Global Housing Foundation

Truly International
FIABCI is truly international, owing allegiance to no single country or national
body, only to its members. In this respect it is completely democratic. Senior
office in the Federation is held according to ability and willingness to contribute.

FIABCI is not only international but multi-disciplinary. Anyone involved in real
estate can belong whether they are brokers, counsellors, lawyers, appraisers,
financiers, architects, developers, contractors or investors.

Fifty Four Country Membership

There are 54 FIABCI Chapters throughout the world and new ones are regularly
being formed. Currently there are also 110 professional associations in
membership. Called Principal Members by FIABCI, they have a total membership
approaching 1.5 million practitioners.

The UN and Habitat
FIABCI has special status at the United Nations where it is recognised as the voice
of the private sector when matters of real estate are considered. In co-operation
with the UN, the Federation has done major work in pursuing its policy of
property ownership for all in third world countries. The UN link has also seen FIABCI closely involved with the Habitat movement, where FIABCI was the first to highlight the value of public/private partnerships.

All Real Estate Sectors Represented
All real estate sectors are represented in FIABCI. Residential, office, commercial, leisure, agricultural, retail and industrial plus their various
sub-divisions are included.

Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural FIABCI
FIABCI is multi lingual and multi cultural and operates in five official languages:
English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese.

International and Regional Events
 High point of the FIABCI year is the World Congress. Held annually in May/June
 at a different national venue this year it is the turn of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
 In 2003, the event will be held in Berlin, Germany. In 2004, the host will be
 Houston, Texas. There are also regional events which nevertheless attract a
 FIABCI audience from all parts of the world.

How FIABCI can benefit your business.
Click here for a complete list of membership benefits.

Request a FREE information pack


Code of Ethics
FIABCI comprises an elite group of men and women striving for the highest standards in professionalism and integrity. All FIABCI members agree to abide by the FIABCI International Code of Ethics, and any failure to do so can result in suspension or even expulsion of the said member. Click here to access the complete FIABCI International Code of Ethics
Sist oppdatert ( Thursday 13. January 2005 )